
Management Strategies, Inc.

Team Building Murder Mystery



Contact Jack Pachuta



How the Event is Organized

Build a Strong Team with a Fun-Focused Mystery Event


​​Each event is a one-of-a-kind program in a relaxed, interactive training environment that promotes camaraderie and teamwork while stressing concepts of TEAM BUILDING, COMMUNICATIONS and INTERPERSONAL SKILLS.

Here's how it works . . .

Develop the Agenda - Client team building needs are identified to focus on specific requirements.

Establish Objectives -
Goals and objectives are developed to determine the content of the team building training material.

Select the Suspects -
Staff members are selected to play the roles of the key suspects and supplied with information about their characters.

Organize Teams -
Investigative teams are designated to work together during the investigation.

Personalize the Information -
Each person is given a personalized Team Building Casebook which contains important information and clues about the case.

Plan the Work - U
sing the Casebooks, team members create their plans to guide their activities during the mystery investigation.

Conduct the Investigation -
Suspects are introduced and made available for questioning. Teams must utilize sound team building, communication, and interpersonal skills to acquire and interpret the data.

React to Changes -
Additional unexpected critical information is provided to the teams, changing the dynamics of the event.

Solve the Case -
After information has been analyzed, teams reach individual solutions to the case.

Process the Event -
The dynamics of the teams during the investigation are processed, tying them to the objectives established for the Team Building Murder Mystery training.

Take Action -
Individual on-going action plans are developed by participants to enhance both the learning and the impact of the Team Building Murder Mystery training.

Follow Up -
Within 30 days a follow-up Zoom meeting is coordinated to address any additional issues that may have arisen.